India, Mongolia armies start joint military exercise Nomadic Elephant on mobile check post

NEW DELHI: The joint exercise "Nomadic Elephant" between Indian and Mongolian troops begun with lecture and demonstration on aspects of mobile check post, contemporary security issues and threat involving non-state elements, in Mongolian capital Ulaanbaatar.
Major Rahul Dubey of Indian Army gave a lecture on various facets of mobile check post to include establishment, role and operation while Major Abhimanyu Sharma put forward the demonstration on the same, Indian Army Spokesperson Col Aman Anand said.
Mongolian lifestyle is famous for certain sets of unique wits and skills those which helps in surviving extreme climatic conditions prevalent in the region.
Mongolian Armed Forces organised a lecture and interactive demonstration of survival techniques which gave a valuable insight on how to live off the land.
The lecture concentrated mainly on outdoor survival and bushcraft, wherein methods of maintenance of one's core temperature, hydration, gathering resources and hunting were elucidated.
The training platoons of both the forces exhibited various drills and procedures on room intervention and hostage rescue that they adhere in varied situations.
It's an excellent opportunity for either of the forces to learn and imbibe from each other. This activity took place in the room intervention training area in Five Hills, he added.
They also had a lecture and practice on the mechanics of occupation of the patrol base, which holds an important role in most of the special operations.
The exercise started on September 10, would conclude on September 21.
Exercise Nomadic Elephant is an annual, bilateral exercise since 2006 which is designed to strengthen the partnership between both the forces under United Nation mandate.

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