Journalists of Belarus, Mongolia sign memorandum of cooperation

MINSK, 14 September (BelTA) – The Belarusian Union of Journalists and the Confederation of Mongolian Journalists have signed a memorandum of cooperation in Minsk, BelTA has learned. The parties agreed to exchange information, mutual support in international activities. Plans are in place to organize an exchange of journalistic delegations and consider possible on-the-job training for media representatives in Belarus and Mongolia. 

The parties expressed intention to start developing an internet platform at one of the leading mass media outlets of Belarus or Mongolia. The unions of journalists agreed to take part in the cultural exchange between the two countries and assist the promotion of folk art.

 The delegation of Mongolian journalists took part in the 13th Belarusian International Media Forum Partnership for the Future: Digital Agenda for Media Space. During the forum Belarus' Information Minister Alexander Karlyukevich held a working meeting with the president of the Confederation of Mongolian Journalists to discuss bilateral cooperation. The president of the Confederation of Mongolian Journalists noted that the participation in the media forum, the implementation of agreements with the Information Ministry and the signing of the memorandum of cooperation would take the bilateral relations of Belarus and Mongolia in the media sector onto a qualitatively new level. 

The Belarusian Union of Journalists has agreements on cooperation development with the unions of journalists of Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and others.

Source:Belarus News


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