Russia, China, Mongolia adopt program of economic corridor

The leaders of Russia, China and Mongolia - Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj - adopted a program of building an economic corridor between the countries following a three-party meeting.

The leaders of Russia, China and Mongolia - Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj - adopted a program of building an economic corridor between the countries following a three-party meeting.
Agreements were also signed between the Russian Federal Customs Service, China’s Main Customs Department and Mongolia’s Main Customs and Tax Department on mutual recognition of results of customs control regarding separate kinds of products.
The program of an economic corridor between the Russian Federation, China and Mongolia includes some 30 projects.
The leaders arrived in Tashkent for participation in the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).
This is the third top-level meeting in the format Russia-China-Mongolia. Earlier, such talks were also held on the sidelines of SCO summits - in Dushanbe in 2014 and in Ufa in 2015.
First published by TASS.

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